Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tcs Pattern


As far as the written test is concerned you have 2 tests...

TCS Talent Test

1) Aptitude test
-- consists of the following 3 subsections -- time 2 hours
(i) Section 1 of this aptitude test is of verbal type - 10 synonyms, 10 antonyms, some reading comprehension questions, and organizing jumbled sentences to make a meaningful paragraph, you can use GRE barrons book or any book of TOEFL -- total 32 marks
(ii) Section 2 is of simple mathematics...you don't need any preparation for that, using R.S. Agarwal - quantitative aptitude may help -- total 34 marks
(iii) Section 3 is of critical reasoning...this is similar to the analytical section of GRE..now this section is no more in GRE -- total 12 marks

2) Psychometric test -- time 30 minutes
Psychometric test consists of a test of 150 questions...for every questions you have to choose either yes,no or can't say....but you should not go for the can't say option as far as possible. Important thing in this section is that you should give similar answers to similar questions.

Technical interview --
technical interview of TCS is very simple...they make you feel very comfortable..he offered me a glass of water and also a biscuit as he realized that i was a bit nervous...he started with some HR type of questions -- like tell something about yourself, your academic background..

Then he asked me which in programming languages i was most confident..i said C,C++ and Java...then he asked me to rate myself in those languages from 1 to 10.

i said 7 out of 10 for all of them...then he asked me which topic in C i found the most difficult..i said file management...then he asked me how can i copy 1 file into another using C...and u know that is very simple ...i even didn't need to write the code...i named some of the functions that were required and he was convinced...then he asked me if i had worked at hardware level in C...i said i have worked with TSRs in C...he asked few basic questions of TSRs...then what are the essential features of an object oriented programming language..? He also asked my strong and weak points..so think of your strong and weak points before going for the interview..

surprisingly i was not asked any question about my final year project..but be prepared for that..

Management Interview

In management interview they ask questions like describe yourself...strong points and weak points...why you are going for TCS...so go through the TCS website and see the mission, vision, values...the number of clients and the number of countries in which TCS has its offices...and all important figures...mentioning those things will be a plus..

Then he asked me who is my role model...and if you name somebody then they will ask why...what innovations did he make...so think of some role model and be prepared for some questions on him...if you don't know some answer then frankly say.." sir i don't have much idea about that thing."

All the best for your future..

- Pranav Shukla

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