Monday, April 23, 2007

TCS 10/10/06 CHENNAI


I was asked to appear for the TCS Recruitment process for the first round a few days back. I was sent a username and password and asked to log on to the a website and fill in a few more details and then generate a Hall Ticket ( PDF ) format. I took 2 prints of the hall ticket and 2 copies of my resume along with me. A photo identification proof is also required ( Driver's License / Voters ID / College ID card / Passport etc)

The test was an Online Test consisting of 3 phases as usual. The first round was a General English round with Antonyms and Synonyms. The second round was General Aptitude and qualitative analysis and finally the 3rd round was Critical Reasoning.

Since the test was an online test I might not be able to remember some of the questions.. but heres what I can recall


There are more but I cant seem to remember. I would suggest that you download the file Synonyms_Antonyms.doc available under the misc download category in the TCS 2006 section and go through it. If you are familiar with everything on this well you should score more than 90% in this section.

For the Quants Please refer older papers and you should do fairly well.

* One popular question is if GFGFD is coded as SHOVEL what is BVCJT coded as? I suggest that you try to find out the displacement of the charcters. I personally drew up an alphabet table. It was much easier. http://www.ChetanaS.com

* One other question that seems to reoccur is the biggest prime number that can fit inside a 9 bit number. Some of my friends had trouble with this one even though its quite simple. Take the number of bit ( 9 here ) and calculate 2^bit number ( 2 power 9) which is 512. Now look at the closest option from the list. Make sure its prime.

* What is 576 to the base 5 or something similar

* One question on physics - (Momentum X Veloctiy) / Accelration X Distance is measured in what units

* if M represent Modulo Arithematic, R represent Round off, T represents Truncation calculate the following M(737,5) - R(6.6) + T(7.1) etc

* if @ - represent square and * represents Square root then calculate the following @@-*16+@*8

* A can do a work in X days less than B. B does the same work in Y days. Both of them can do the work in Z days. Calculate X ( or Y)

* Given a Venn diagram they ask a few questions based on that

* A passage is given with blanks in the middle. You are given many options. You need to choose the right ones. Make sure that the choices you make fit the context of the passage.

There were more questions .. I just cant remember them at the moment

Critical Reasoning

Given Details:
(1) Ashland is north of East Liverpool and west of Coshocton
(2) Bowling Green is north of Ashland and west of Fredericktown
(3) Dover is south and east of Ashland C h et an aS
(4) East Liverpool is north of Fredricktown and east of Dover
(5) Fredricktown is north of Dover and west of Ashland
(6) Coshocton is south of Fredricktown and west of Dover

1)Which of the towns mentioned is furthest to the northwest ?
(a) Ashland
(b) Bowling Green
(c) Coshocton
(d) East Liverpool
(e) Fredericktown

2). Which of the following must be both north and east of Fredricktown?
(I) Ashland
(II) Coshocton
(III) East Liverpool
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) III only
(d) I and II
(e) I and III

3. Which of the following towns must be situated both south and west of at
least one other town?
(a) Ashland only
(b) Ashland and Fredricktown
(c) Dover and Fredricktown
(d) Dover,Coshocton and Fredricktown
(e) Dover,Coshocton and East Liverpool

4. Which of the following statements, if true, would make the information
in the numbered statements more specific?
(a) Coshocton is north of Dover
(b) East Liverpool is north of Dover
(c) Ashland is east of Bowling Green
(d) Coshocton is east of Fredericktown
(e) Bowling Green is north of Fredericktown

One more question was given. Very vague details

O,P,Q can cause R
P,Q can cause S
R or S can cause X or Y only if R or S was caused by P or Q
etc etc

Which event has the longest chain of events?
Which event has the shortest events etc.

There was no sectional cut off and no negative marking. Each section had fixed time. 20 minutes, 40 minutes, 30 minutes If i remember. Results are instantaneous. You are either shown a Congratulations message or a best of luck next time message.

Feel confident and be cool about the test. Its not hard at all... infact its probably the easiest among all the other aptitude tests. Lot of people suggested that we go thru Baron's GRE book ... I dont have a copy of the book. So I couldnt refer it. The material from this site is more than sufficient. Most people could have made it in .. but it was only because of their tension and mental strain that they missed out on a lot of answers. That reminds me... the time limits are for sections and once the time runs out you are automatically forwarded to the next section. ONCE YOU ARE ON TO THE NEXT SECTION YOU CANNOT CHANGE OR ATTEMPT THE PREVIOUS SECTION ANSWERS. If you have extra time left you can re-check and change your answers. You can answer any question you have attempted or left behind before easily by simply clicking on the question number in the right side pane. Green coloured ones are the ones you have answered. Yellow coloured ones are the questions you have looked at but not answered and Red ones are the ones you have not looked at. TIME MANAGEMENT is very important. I couldnt attempt 4 questions over all in the end.

I however managed to clear the test. I was told I would be intimated about the details for the next round via e-mail.

So When I get thru my next round I will post more about this. Meanwhile I understand that there are more recruitment drives underway ( one even tomorrow in the same venue ). So I hope this helps those people, For now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.

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