Monday, April 23, 2007

TCS 07/10/06 HYD


I'm Nagarjuna Reddy. I've completed my MCA. I've taken my TCS Test on 07th October 2006 at Kohinoor Park, Hyderabad. It's a large recruitment drive. I'm eagerly waiting for results now and confident of making it into TCS in my first attempt for job itself.

I got SET Y. Almost all the quantitative questions of this set are same as of previous papers. Only values got changed. Any how here I'm giving you all of those questions which I got in my paper.

Test Pattern:

As usual, totally three sections

1. Verbal (32 marks --> Synonyms-10, Antonyms-10, Sentence Completion-6, Comprehension passage-6)

2. Quantitative and logical reasoning (38 marks)

3. Critical Reasoning (12 marks) (3 problems each having 4 questions)

Totally 82 questions and 90 minutes is the time limit. (Almost 1 min per question)

Section-1: Verbal

Synonyms: Some are from Barron's high frequency words list

Antonyms: GRE Barron's 13th edition Model papers (given as it is)

Sentence Completion: A passage has been given with 6 blanks in it. 9 choices have been given. We've to fill that passage with appropriate 6 options. Beware that 3 options were given additionally. Don't get confuse here. Ch etan aS

Comprehension passage: Barron's 15th edition Comprehension passage exercise C. page no: 98. (Like her white friends, Eleanor Roosevelt and Aubre Williams, Mary Bethune believed in the fundamental commitment of the new deal...). My friends said that the same passage has been given in SET Z also.

Section-2: Quantitative and Logical Reasoning

1. Complete the series 26, 19, 17, 13, 11,--, 8, 7 (Ans: 10- not sure).

2. Convert the decimal number 562 into base 7. (Ans: 1432)

3. If QJFBTF is coded as PLEASE then HBJO can be coded as --------
(Ans: GAIN)

4. a) SQL Server b) Ingress C) Oracle d) DB2 e) JAVA

5. a) SMTP b ARP c)WAP d)HTTP e)BAAN

6. Which of the following is exact power of 4
a) 4192 b) 4096 c) d) e)

7. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in a 6 bit register.
Ans: 61

8. Which will give good standard deviation?
a). 4,0,-4,0,4 b) 4,-4,4,-4,4 c) 4,4,4,4,4

9. Which shape will be obtained by using the following values for X and Y
X 0 10 100 1000 9999
Y 0.00001 1.02 1.72 3.00 4.72

10. What are the number of edges, number of vertices and number of faces of a planar cube among the following options?

a) 6, 6, 6 b) 4,8,12 c) 12, 8, 6 d) .. e)..

11. What is the value of the following expression M(373,5)+T(7.7)+R(4.4)-T(3.6) http://www.ChetanaS.com
(Ans: 11)

12. What is the value of the expression % # % (6) + # % # (6)
Where % means DOUBLING and # means RECIPROCAL (Ans: 19/6)

13. Match the following



ANS: 1-> 2 2->1 3->4 4->3
14. If G(0) = -1 G(1)= 1 and G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2) then what is the value of G(6)?

(Ans: -3)

15. If
A= 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

B= 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

C= 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Then find the value of [A U C] U B and express it in decimal.
(Ans: 151)

16. Three companies are working independently and receiving the savings 20%, 30%, 40%. If the companies work combinely, what will be their net savings?

17. Which of the following straight lines are perpendicular to each other?
1)2x+y=8 2)x=4 3)y=6 4)2y=x+3
a)1, 3 b)2, 3 c)1, 4 d)3, 4 e)None

(Solution: Write the equations in x+y+c=0 form. Multiply the coefficients of x terms and coefficients of y terms of any two given equations and add them. If the result is zero, then those two lines are perpendicular. Here in this problem, those two equations are 1 and 4)

18. In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to t^2/2 + 4t + 12 (Read is as: t square /2 + 4t +12), where t is elapsed time. Find how much percentage of temperature is increased (or decreased) between 5pm and 8pm.

19. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M = square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much more memory is required now?
a) 1.0% b)2.6% c)0.5% d)1.4% e)2.7%

20. A power unit is there by the bank of a river of 900 meters. A cable is made from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river of 2000mts. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 5/- per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs. 4/- per meter. Then find out the amount to be invested to connect those two stations.

21. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours. Then how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
(Ans: 13)

22. A sequence of letters is given. We've to find out how many V's are there under the condition that, S should be followed by V and should not be followed by F....

V,S,F,T,W,E,L,B,V,S,L,L,K,S,M,S,V,F,L,S,D,I,.... Like that.

(I got 4 as answer)

23. In a two-dimensional array, X (7, 9), with each element occupying 8 bytes of memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1)=3000; find the starting address of the element at X (5,8).

24. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, fifth and sixth, etc words are interchanged, what would be the 12th letter from right? (Ans: 'A')

25. A Flight takes off at 4 A.M from North-East direction and travels for 7 hours to reach the destination in the North-West direction. Some latitude and longitude of source and destination given. Find the local arrival time of destination? (I don't know how to find it)

26. Four 2X2 matrices were given. We've to find out which of them is a singular matrix? (Hint: try for which matrix det(A) becomes zero (ad-bc).

27. (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance)
a) Newton b) Mass c) Force d).. e)..

28. Based on a Venn diagram. 3 problems were given. All are so easy. No need to worry.



31. A bar chart was been given. Two questions based on this. Easy ones. Don't fear.


Section-3: Critical Reasoning

Questions 1 to 4: Small University and Large University problem of GRE Barron's 13th edition. This can be found in the model papers.

Three persons J, K, L belongs to Small University with some subjects like English, Mathematics and Electronics assigned to them. M, N, O and P belongs to small university and M deals Maths, N deals Psychology. O and P have been assigned Latin. Then four questions based on this data. Its so easy. (Not same data, but names of persons are same and pattern is also same).

Even no need to do any arrangements with the given data to solve problems based on this. We need to just write down the given data in a conventional form. That's all. We can answer the questions very easily.

Questions 5 to 8: A group of 5 people A, B, C, D, E are there.

A knows Telugu and Hindi.
B knows Oriya and Malalayalam
C knows Telugu and Malayalam
D knows English and Oriya.
E, who is a native of Andhra Pradesh, also can speak Oriya.

(Not same assignments, but pattern is same)

Q1. If A and B need to communicate, whose help they should take. (Ans: C, Since C know one language of A and another language of B... like this)

Q2. Among all of these languages, what are the languages that are known to many people? (Ans: Telugu-3 and Oriya-3)

The questions are like that. Even there is no need to do any arrangements are also. So, no need to worry about this section also.

Questions 9 to 12: Sorry. Third passage I didn't remember it. Even I didn't get time to see it. But it seems to be some what difficult. I didn't have time to answer this question, so I left it.

Also I want to share a few more details with all of you regarding the TCS test. I thought of it to be online test. But because it was a large recruitment drive, they are not capable of conducting online test for that many numbers of aspirants. It was manual test.

And coming to the test, for verbal section, GRE Barron's of any edition is enough. And for Critical Reasoning, Barron's 12th or 13th is enough. Then finally, for Quantitative section, the same problems will be given with only changes to the data. These problems can be solved by even a 7th class student also. But the thing here is the Time Factor. How fast we are able to do them is the thing here. The same problems can be given every time. So don't neglect to solve each and every problem of previous papers, if you want to crack TCS test. After that, try to improve the speed in solving the problems. If you do so, I'm sure that you'll be half way into TCS, one of the top IT firm in the world.

For more info about the test or any other details, you can contact me on cloudmine_naga@yahoo.co.in .

I wish you all the best. Thank you



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