Monday, April 23, 2007

ORACLE 22/06/03

DATE OF TEST : 21 st june 2003, Morning 11 am
MODE : Off-campus
hai friends,

don't send me any resumes, friends. i have
attended oracle written test on june 21,2003 in 11 AM
batch. i got through the test and attended the
interview. i am giving you the pattern and some
questions where two to three questions were repeated.


30 qns. technical - 30 mins. - mostly on DBMS,
Oracle(like what would be the output), C, C++,
Java(2-3 qns. on class and constructors) and data

30 qns. general - 30 mins. - 7 qns. aptitude, more
like English (filling up prepositions, same meaning,
reading comprehension, four sentences would be given -
you have to order them to form a paragraph, similarly
four questions would be given - you have to say which
one is a inference statement, which one is a

The technical test would be easy and general test
would be little difficult.

In the interview, they asked me the following

1. what are the macros other than C macros (the macros
in word,excel)
A macro in MS-word is used to group a sequence
of jobs and make it as a button or keyboard shortcut.
Suppose, if you need always to draw a table containing
2 rows and 5 cols, you can start,record a macro and
make it as a button and put in taskbar, sothat when
you press it, you will be provided with a fixed table.

2. can you delete a column from a table.
In oracle 9i, you can do it by the statement
ALTER TABLE table1 DROP COLUMN column1; In oracle
8,you can't.

3. can you store a image in oracle and by which
Yes, you can and it can be acheived by using
a BLOB (binary large object) type and store upto 4GB
in a single column.

4. have you used reports and forms in oracle?

5. have you written applications to retrieve stored
images in a table?

6. some DOS commands and UNIX.

7. project desription (both academic and
miniprojects,if any)

8. some situation questions like what would you do if
your company is burning,etc.

Please have a look on DBMS, and some simple
queries like 'select * from dual' for the technical
test. And on the questions in the attached file. All
the best.

with wishes,


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