Thursday, May 3, 2007


Technical was "very easy" but Aptitide was lengthy & hence
Interview was cool...........
Just clear the test.............and get it.

I appeared for CS sections, there were easy programs on C and in
other section few questions on DSA, OS and Architecture.

1. binary search complexity
2. for a paging system 2 programs were given u have to choose the
faster one
3. 1 q. on bigendian
4. If high priority process comes when low prority process is
running, what will OS do?
5. i simple qn on Hash table with rehashing.
5 nos were given with rehashing , find the location at
2nd position.
6. difference between combinational and sequential logic
7. find formula for effective access time calculation... hit
ratio,cache access time and memory access time was given.
8. int *ptr[4]() something like this.........
what does it represent?
9. In an architecture at each fun. call it stores 4 registers and
on return loads the 4. each load and store take 1 cycle.
A recursive fn to find fibonacci seriese is given with start val as 5.
Calculate the num of extra cycles reqd in load/store.

n = 5;
fib(int n)
{ if(n ==0 || n==1)
return( fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) );
ans 120 check.

Can't recall all the questions ..............sorry...............
Apti is imp........... prepare for that............

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